Gatewood Press

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Sweet Times

It was a wet rainy day by the river, but in a year of drought and burn bans, a wet rainy day by the river is still a good day. Besides, the rain was intermittent, the cool air was comforting, the company was excellent and there was hot water in the camp showers. Part of our party went shopping for plants in a nice nursery in Leakey and the other part stayed home, played guitars and harmonicas, and drank some flavored whiskey.

During the guitar playing a young summer tanager or vermillion flycatcher joined us, hopping about on the table, looking for scraps. The little bird stayed a good while. I’m iffy on the identity because while I like to watch birds, I’m not at all comfortable with all the stages they go through, and I’ve also lost a lot of the certainty that was a hallmark of my youth. My knowledge seems to have softened around the edges although it may simply be the realization that I know less than I think I know.

Later this morning I will depart the group, leaving them to sunlight soon to come, as I make my way to Houston. The granddaughter is competing in the area track meet and grandpa would like to see her finish out her senior season. I’ll miss the sunlight of course and a chance to sit in the beautiful river, but I’ll be sitting in a river of another sort later today and tomorrow as the emotions of watching a daughter grow up and get ready to leave home flow through everyone. Sweet times here and there.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale