Gatewood Press

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The Itch

I’m still learning. Things. Skills. Information. I have curiosity and the willingness to listen. My journey to Marathon this week is a microcosm of my journey through life. I’ve met a geologist, talked to a songwriter, extricated myself from a difficult position, watched someone cry, been to the top of another mountain, thought about tomorrow, taken a few pictures, bought a friend a drink.

Of course, I realize I’m at an age where learning things that take a while to pay dividends might be pointless, but I still plant trees and I’m fairly certain I’ll never live to see them to maturity. Still, I’m interested in creating things, and I fail to see the harm in deciding I’ll try to write one song a week. It just takes a little discipline and a few friends willing to endure my performances. Of course, I could always record them and put them out there like I do this blog, or just keep them to myself.

After all, it’s only an avocation, something to fill my time in retirement and old age, a jotting down of things I’ve learned over the years and things I’m still learning, and it’s the doing that’s important. Creating for the sake of creating. Singing for the sake of singing. Playing to play with my friends. Scratching that itch and not really caring if anyone is looking.