Gatewood Press

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The Lull

Well, let’s see what part of my psyche I’d like to explore today. No turmoil to speak of, although I wish the wind would stop blowing. Seriously, what’s the rush? Where’s it going in such a hurry? I had a good night’s sleep and I’m back in my own bed. That’s a plus. And I’ll be there for a while since there’s a nice lull before I venture to Waco to see if my granddaughter can qualify for state. I leave Friday morning. Meanwhile, life is mostly mundane stuff like a haircut, a round of golf, visits with friends, and doctor’s appointments.

I took a quick tour of the gardens when I got home yesterday. The Morning Glory has found the leg of the new trellis and the Spiderworts are blooming as is the Orchid Tree and Pharaby’s Rose at the east end of the house. All of the trees have leafed out and my arborist son has trimmed up the Eve’s Necklace and made a nice shady spot at the end of the drive. I highly recommend having a live in arborist, especially one who plays steel guitar, is willing to talk music theory with you, and watches the house when you’re gone.

But back to that old psyche. I have noticed turmoil tends to sell and get more clicks, but I’ve got none today. No sadness. No anger. No despair. Just a nice warm feeling that life is good. That feels pretty boring, but I’m good with boring, probably not an attractive quality, but hey, so what? Meanwhile, today will be what I make of it, which means I’m in control for the moment and I believe that might feel pretty nice. I’ll keep you posted. But you already know that. Let’s keep our finger’s cross for more boring or perhaps, in a more erudite fashion, let’s keep our fingers crossed for more tranquility.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale