Gatewood Press

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The Move

I had a revelation the other day. My brain felt like a snow globe being shaken by some infant. My mind was racing, going in and out of focus. This new world I live in, the one without my wife, is hard to understand sometimes. But I was outside, so I looked up at the clouds, without really thinking. As I did, I realized my mind had calmed, slowed down. It took me by surprise. I guess there’s something about focusing at a distance that takes the mind out of the immediate, and makes the brain shift to a lower gear. It was a good feeling.

I tried it again yesterday as I walked into the hills south of town. I was agitated for some unknown reason, which is the worst thing to happen, but it does. So, I decided to take a walk. As I walked, I looked up at the clouds in the evening sky, at the tops of the trees, and the road ahead. And there it was again, that peaceful easy feeling.

Of course, I realize now that I’ve always enjoyed looking up. It’s the first thing I do when I get up in the morning. Walk outside and look at the stars, or the clouds as is the case this morning, because it looks like rain. And I do it at night before I retire. Walk outside and look at the stars. I guess what I’ve missed is just how much of an antidote looking up can really be. But now that I know. I think it will be my go to move, when the snow globe shakes, and the world starts getting fuzzy. I’ll look up.