Gatewood Press

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The Visits

A crescent moon hangs low in the sky on this crisp winter morn. There are deer in the distance and nary a cloud in the sky. The horizon is gold and pink as my piece of earth turns toward the sun. There is a light frost on the green winter grass that loves this sort of weather. If I were camping, the fire would already be started, but I’m on the porch and the warm, well lit stone house beckons. Inside, mama cat wants a morning snuggle. She shall have it. A few minutes with a cat in your lap are hardly wasted.

Met a friend for lunch yesterday on the banks of the Pedernales. The wind was a little chill but bearable. We sat facing the river and talked as we ate. After we finished, we walked down to the water. A family of four fellow travelers came down as well and walked along the base of the dam to the edge of the river. An Egyptian goose sat on the top of the concrete dam, eyeing us from a distance. What is it about rivers that make people want to be close to them? For me, it’s the sound of water and the vision of rocks worn smooth by the passing floods.

I tidied the yard yesterday because even winter yards need tidying and a friend is coming this afternoon to sit a spell with me on the porch. A south facing porch is a good place to be on a winter’s day, especially with a friend. There’s sun and shelter from the north wind; the sumac and mesquite are bare of leaves, so the view is relatively unobstructed. There will be music from the newly connected speakers, and conversation if required. It will be another day well spent, in the company of a friend, the only thing missing will be the river. We’ll take comfort in knowing that it rolls on.