Gatewood Press

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Tiny Morsels

The feeder is up, and the birds have finally arrived. For many long days it hung there in the branches of the mesquite by the pasture fence looking abandoned. Then gradually, one at time here they came.  Blackcrested Titmouses, Goldfinches, Cardinals, House Finches, Carolina Chickadees, birds of color and bright plumage. And, of course, the house sparrows appeared, which is what happens when you live close to the city.

Yesterday, was really the first big, here come all the birds, day. Previously, they were occasionals. Yesterday it was a full-on party. My decision to hang the feeder on a limb on the pasture side of the fence seems a good one. Birds foraging on the ground are safe from the porch cats who might try sneaking up on them from the house. There was so much excitement, in fact, that the house lost power. I have no idea why the house even noticed, but it blew a fuse.

Actually, a wire had worked loose on the big pole on the street where we live. The wind helped it work its way loose. An electric company truck pulled up, diagnosed the problem, was happy to see it affected only a single house, called in re-enforcements, because they have to have two people on hand when dealing with a live wire, and got it fixed. The two service hands and I had a nice chat, and they were on their way. And even though it was a good day, right before I went to bed I cried for my missing wife. Go figure.