Gatewood Press

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Trade Offs

It’s an air-is-out-of-the-balloon day. The grandson is gone, back to his mom and dad, and the emptiness is shrinking in around me. That’s okay, however, it happens every time the kids come then go. There’s actually a rhythm to it. Soft and slow. The tempo of life is up then the tempo of life is down. I’ll survive. But it was nice having the little rascal around, and his time will come again.

Meanwhile, it’s a muggy day and everything is showing the fruits of the multiple rains we’ve had. The yard and gardens are lush and green. It’s a pleasure standing out on the porch taking in the surroundings, listening to the birdsong, seeing the butterflies flitting about. There’s the usual road noise from 290, but that’s okay, it’s a fair trade for the ability to walk into town and check the mail.

Just another example of the give and get of life. You give a little, you get a little. There are trade-offs everywhere. And you have to be careful about what you want because you might get it then what do you do. And that certainly is a problem for another day because I think I have my wants under control. I’m trying to pay attention to what I already have which is a nice life and did I mention that all the flowers are blooming? Because they are, and in a bit, I’m going out to look at them.