Gatewood Press

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Trip Log 1

Captain’s Log Stardate 2022.2.1.  A new adventure begins today. We are gathered at Base Mueller to launch an expedition into the territory of New Mexico. Apparently, there is a gathering of musicians in the town of Red River. Others in our party have been there before and witnessed their going’s on, but this is a first for me. I decided to join them this year as an observer after accepting their invitation for a similar expedition last year to the town of Marathon in Texas, where a smaller such gathering occurred.

We have two sturdy vehicles at our disposal with much food and drink. At some point we will rendezvous with other members of the fleet and proceed to our destination. I have never driven in snow country before, and I won’t be driving this time. I’m a passenger. That’s always good. My sole job will be to ask if we’re there now. At some point, I suppose I’ll be told to shut up, but I’m going to persist because I know it is an important part of any trip.

I have read that temperatures in Texas, while I’m gone, will dip to similar cold levels for a few days as our destination, but my own small base is well protected by my son. He knows how to keep the home fires burning. Currently, members of the Mueller expedition are stirring because we launch at 0700 hours. So, I will begin to wrap up this first report. Of course, as with any launch, there might be delays, but that is to be expected. Wish us luck and Godspeed. You never know when prayers might come in handy.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale