Gatewood Press

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Uneventful Days

The forecast high today is 80 which pretty much sums up Texas on any given day. If you don’t like the weather, wait, it will change. This is February, it should be cold. And it will be at some point, without warning. Most likely in April, as I’m thinking, spring. A freeze will come, and all my tender plants will get bit because Mother Nature sees no point in being consistent. No fun, I guess.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not complaining at all. I get to play golf with my brother tomorrow. In February. In what should be winter. And I could probably wear shorts if I wanted. But I’m a long pants guy. Even in summer. I hate getting my legs sunburned. It only works against me when I get into a pool or go to the beach because I’m forced to expose my pasty white legs. It keeps my dermatologist happy, but it’s hard to blend in with the beach crowd. I guess that’s a first world problem.

Anyway, I’m having a good morning so far. The cats are fed. My puzzles are done and I’m getting ready to eat breakfast and run some errands. An uneventful day. Although you never know what surprise might be waiting just around the corner. But that’s the point of surprises. They’re unexpected. The best you can do is hope that if a surprise comes it’s pleasant rather than catastrophic. Then you have to hope you can make sense of it and adjust to whatever new reality has come your way. And I guess that’s why I’m not a big fan of surprises. So, here’s to uneventful days.