Gatewood Press

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Unexpected Pleasures

One of the things I appreciate about the task of this nearly daily blog, is the opportunity to adjust my psychic state as I start my day. Because there are days when I wake up in a funk. Sometimes I let it leak onto the page, most times I try to find another way of looking at things, a brighter way, a more that’s-just-the-way-things-are way. The biggest help is realizing a lot of things are simply out of my control. That almost always helps.

Of course, there is the possibility that reading a relentlessly cheery blog might be as bad as reading a relentlessly depressing one. I guess that’s why I try to strike a happy medium. But it’s a tough job, a little like walking a tightrope or a balance beam, one false step and you’re on the floor, wallowing in your self-pity. And to keep the analogy going, it’s this middle paragraph where I try find the wherewithal to get to the end and set myself up for the dismount.

Because this paragraph is where I wrap it all up and try to stick the landing. And right now, I’m feeling pretty good about my chances, because I had no idea when I started that I would end up here. And this is when it begins to feel right, when the words all fall onto the page in a way that makes sense in a way I never expected. And suddenly, my day begins to feel as though it might be pretty good because it’s a nice reminder that life is full of unexpected pleasures and most of them come to you simply because you keep trying. And with that, both feet are on the mat and my arms are in the air.