Gatewood Press

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Vac Day 2.0

Today is second dose day, COVID-19 vaccination time. It happens this afternoon. Supposedly the side-affects are more intense than those after the first dose, but I didn’t feel many side-affects. I did have a sore arm and one afternoon I felt rather lethargic, but overall, I’d have to give it a positive score. I’m going to tell my brain, this time around, not to expect anything and I’ll see if it complies. Afterall, I get a flu shot most years and don’t develop flu-like symptoms. Maybe my immune system is smart enough to know this is a vaccine with information it needs to store and will store it without going to war.

That being said, it’s a weekend coming up and, in our work is everything culture, it’s a good time to be sick or sickish because then I can get back to work on Monday and keep the economy running. The joke’s on them. I’m retired. I guess I’m still playing my part, however, because the little app they give me where the CDC checks my symptoms always asks if I’m able to work. And being the good soldier I always was, I say yes, because most likely I would have worked. Very little kept me away. I guess it helps I liked my job.

Two weeks after this I should be able to rejoin society. I hope. Even though the vaccine is 95% effective my mind focuses on the 5%, and I think, I should stay home just to be safe. I believe that is an outsized response to the odds but understandable because if I “win”, I might die. I guess what I need to do is try and flip that into my view of the lottery where I understand perfectly well that thin odds mean the house is likely to win. So, in the case of the virus and the vaccine, I’m now the house, and the virus is the one destined to lose. There, that feels right. Watch out world.