Gatewood Press

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We’re Off

I forgot my mouse. Now in the age of phones, pads, and touch screens that may not seem like a big deal. But to an old school road warrior and his laptop it’s a major inconvenience, because that durn track pad is a source of endless frustration and accidental highlights and deletions. With a mouse I can keep it turned off. Without the mouse. Well. It’s aggravating. I think I’ll just buy a replacement today and keep it in the computer bag. Easy-peasy.

Meanwhile, today is lunch with grandson day. I’m bringing chicken nuggets, as instructed, then we’ll visit the bookfair and get some reading materials. Tomorrow I repeat the process with my granddaughter. We’ll talk about her lunch tonight over dinner. She wanted to do it last night, but we were planning her brother’s day, so she had to wait her turn. Patience was the virtue we were teaching.

The next ten days will be exciting. Baseball. Football. Foundation repairs. Water faucet repairs. Taking kids to school. Picking kids up. Babysitting. Echoes of my youth. I’ll shop. I may fix a dinner or two. I’ll do dishes. Wash and fold clothes. Try to fit into the family dynamic. Try to remember whatever rules need remembering. Try just to keep the ship afloat. Try to be grandpa. Its gonna be fun. And I hear the first kid stirring. So, I’ve got to run.