Gatewood Press

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Wet Days

Eve’s Necklace, Lantana, Coral Sage, Silver Leaf Nightshade, Sandpaper Tree

Goodness. The rain. It keeps on coming. I’m this close to saying, enough. But I’m not looking for a rainbow. I hope we have a wet summer. I’ll mow every day or walk through tall grass with a smile on my face, as long as its green. Wet, in this neck of the woods, is good. I’ve seen the other side of the coin and I can do without it.

The trees and plants agree with me. The little lacy oaks adorning the side of the drive put on new leaves every day. The size of this year’s growth ring, when the trees are cut down in 300 years will be worthy of note if anyone is counting. I’d never thought about it before but that expanding canopy is also probably part of the trees’ life strategy to live long and prosper. All the ground it proceeds to cover will be shaded and hold on to moisture, the same rain that’s falling right now. Clever tree.

In year’s past, when I was traveling back and forth to Houston to work, all this growth really would have gotten me down. My first day home was always sweat city. But these days, I’m here all the time and I can putter around and tweak things. It’s a mow and an edge here and there to keep the yard neat and trim. Sweet. I can live with that. Plus, the days are nice and cool, and I can really live with that. So, here’s to spring, may it last until August.