Gatewood Press

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What Friends Do

I finally planted the Pansies. Originally scheduled for porch pots, I put them in the ground. Now I can see them when I look out the kitchen window. It’s not something normally done in deer country, but we’ve only had deer in the yard on two occasions. Once during the drought and then a year or two later when a little buck made his was over the fence. Having said that, I’ll go out this morning and they’ll be eaten to the ground.

Also, I fixed my wonky thermostat. Fiddled around, eliminated issues, and found the problem. A loose wire. I tightened it, the current flowed, and the heat comes on automatically. Anyone who has fixed a broken anything knows the little buzz that comes with the satisfactory solution to that sort of puzzle. It’s a chest thumping moment and you really want someone to tell. I found them, told them, and was offered a job. I demurred. It was a sweet gesture.

To wrap up the day, I had a great visit with my friend from college, the crock pot chicken soup with rice turned out well, and I went to my group session. The latter was an eye-opener and I’m not going to say much more about it, except to note there’s a ton of pain in the world, and if you know someone who is hurting, try and comfort them except I’m not sure how. That seems contradictory, I know, but if you’re a close enough friend you’ll figure it out. I think just being there is a good place to start.