Gatewood Press

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Winter Thoughts

This is lovely. Stepped outside this morning. It is cold. 45. That’s fall weather. The air is clear, and the sun is golden on the grass. It will be the same this evening. Right before dusk everything will turn gold. I think of this time of year as the days of the long light. Soft colors. Shadows. No glare to speak of, just light coming at you from angles, never too high in the sky.

This time of year also lends itself to nights of good sleep. The days shorten, dark comes early, the bed beckons. It seems as though everything slows down and you stop worrying about whether or not you’ve done enough, as though all that daylight demands work, which it does, unfortunately. So, your mind never stops whirling and there’s no time to sleep. I have started disliking summer.

Of course, I realize this is a Texan’s approach to the subject. Because in a lot of places when the dark descends it comes down hard and allows for little or no movement. And there’s all that snow and ice and it makes you wonder what it would take for a new ice age to come because we’re still at the tale end of the last one, and it could always start up again, and wouldn’t that be something? Look out boys, the glaciers are back.