Gatewood Press

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Winter Thoughts

I could really do with a hard freeze. Something in the teens. Winter is passing here in the Hill Country and we’ve yet to see one. There’s a bit of rain this morning and a front is on the way. But it’s only going down into the high 20s this weekend, and no one has ever called that hard. Where is the polar vortex when you need it? Heck, I wonder if my peach tree will get enough cold hours. I hope so, there’s a lot of year-old growth on the tree. So, it’s ready. I want peaches this year.

I have one jar left of the jam I canned in 2019, and several from 2018. There’s none from 2020 because the tree bore no fruit. It must have known what sort of year it was going to be and decided to have no part of it. I have a second peach tree that might be joining the fruit parade this year. But I need to trim some low growing suckers off of it and channel its energy up. I let the tree go during my wife’s illness, and it’s time now to bring it into the fold. A little pruning never hurt anyone, especially a fruit tree.

While I’m thinking of pruning, yesterday was the twelfth day of Christmas, and today is the day I put back into storage the few Christmas decorations I displayed this year. Since there were only two, the tiny tree and the manger scene, it will be easy work. I have to say, though, the pared down displays made Christmas feel special this year. Less glitzy and more focused on what we call the reason for the season. It will be interesting to see how I feel next season. I imagine I’ll do what grief allows.