The Caregiver’s Tales
Tiny essays on life, nature, grief and other things that catch my fancy in the Texas Hill Country. Here’s how it all got started.
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Rain and Youth
Again, the fury of the storm raged in the sky around me last night, but little came of it. Once, late, there was a lightning flash that seemed close by, but the rumble of thunder gave it away, coming late and slow.
Spent the day yesterday doing something I could easily do every day. Read a book and listened to music. But not just any music. I started going through the box of vinyl I bought for $10 at a garage sale. It’s 90% classical.
Sometimes, things just click and go your way. The other day I thought my money clip lost. I checked pockets. I checked dressers. I checked tables. Time passed. Then it came to me. A thought. I went to the car. Opened the center console. There it was.
Almost There
I’m halfway to healing. My hand is on the mend. It’s been a week. I took my last antibiotic this morning. The squamous cell carcinoma is gone. In another week I’ll get the stitches out.
For the longest time I had two easy chairs sitting side by side facing the TV. It was how we organized the living room when we moved into our new home.
Garage Sale
Went to a garage sale yesterday. My daughter came home from work with the kids and off we went. It was just a short walk down the street.
Killer App
Yesterday, in my blog, I mentioned that we all worked for giant social media companies for free, generating streams of data they then use to sell us stuff.
Still Working
And the week begins, although it really started yesterday, because Sunday is the first day of the week. But most of us these days think of weeks in terms of work, and this is the first workday.
Plan Change
Durn. Where there should have been a house full of sleeping children, there is only a house with a sleeping old man. And he’s obviously not sleeping since he’s typing this.
Medical Day
I took a medical day yesterday. Got scoped coming and going. It appears the days of routine colonoscopies are done. Yesterday was my ten year anniversary procedure.