The Caregiver’s Tales
Tiny essays on life, nature, grief and other things that catch my fancy in the Texas Hill Country. Here’s how it all got started.
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The Reminder
I love the moon. That little after thought in space that shines with the reflected light of the sun. It comes out when the buzz of the day is done, and Apollo is off being a star on the other side of the world.
Passing Through
A torrential deluge gifted us with a half inch of rain yesterday afternoon. It fell so hard and fast, however, that most of it probably ran off.
Went for a walk with the butterflies yesterday. The American Snout butterfly is migrating and the park next door to my house is full of them, particularly along the path and brush beside Town Creek.
Troubled Mind
It is cool outside this morning. There is a heavy dew. Days of rain are starting to pay dividends. The coral sage is standing tall with tons of red blooms. The pink Turks caps are full of flowers. The little persimmon tree is putting on leaves. Even the tiff grass yard has returned from dormancy with sprigs of green. There is life in the fields.
Going Back
The rains came. The grass is greening. The sage is in bloom. I am rested. My spirit feels full, and I still find it hard to believe I am not lying in bed today recovering from surgery.
Say the Word
Here we are at the end of what has proven to be a long week. One more consultation this morning with another doctor. This one in Houston. Then it’s decision time.
The Next Day
I once worked for a man who liked the concept of what he called the bigger brain. He felt his team of people working together could solve any problem.
Food and Friends
I had a lazy day yesterday. Mostly it involved food. Hooked up with old friends from Houston. Drove to a fine Italian restaurant down by canyon lake. Ate a long leisurely lunch with dessert because every great meal needs to be topped off.
Inland Sea
My geology books have started to arrive. Got a small one on volcanoes and another on how our continent was formed. I really want to know the story of the terrain from Fort Davis to Study Butte.