A Lesson

I have a touch of dry eye. An outflow, no doubt, of my recent surgery where I was immobilized for the better part of two weeks. I fell under the lure of the small screen and watched too many videos. Unfortunately, the brain sometimes refuses to blink when enthralled by the flickering images. It didn’t help that one of my eyes was weakened a few years back by Bells Palsy. That’s the dry eye.

Luckily, I have an ophthalmologist just down the road who will see me at the drop of a hat even when she’s only working half a day. She saw me. Made sure it was nothing serious. She gave me eye drops. My eye is less dry this morning. I have relearned my lesson. Even now I am wearing my clear lens, blue blocking computer glasses. On a daily basis, I will once again refrain from watching endless minutes on the small screen. I should read a book or just look out the window. Do anything other that watch people line dance or feed me various conspiracy theories.

This recent episode sure has helped me understand addiction. Craving. In the depths of my depravity, I even found myself picking up the phone while I was watching TV. Seriously? That feels really weird. I mean I’m a guy who discovered bands like Dawes and the Turnpike Troubadors ten years after they first hit the scene. Now, I’m glued to my phone as if would be catastrophic if I missed something. I think I will view this as a wake-up call that I should go back to being slightly off the beat and let things come to me in good time.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.




My Sweet Tree