A Question

Took a nice walk in an old volcano yesterday. The weather was fair, there was a quick breeze blowing, and the slope was gentle. The scenery was majestic, towering rock faces, blue skies, white clouds, a million years of life all around us. We walked up about 600 feet in elevation over a mile and a half before deciding to make our way back to the trail head. We felt the last 400 feet over half a mile might be a bit much for two older men in the climbing heat of a Texas afternoon. Something about discretion and valor.

As we walked, we kept a close eye out for bears, because bears are back in Big Bend, and parts of the park are closed because of their activity. It’s healthy to know that being an apex predator carries a few risks particularly if you’re not carrying the tools that got you to the top of the killing chain and instead have to rely on your hands and feet to get the job done, while bears are pretty good in that regard. Some of our friends actually spotted a bear in the field, but they were in their car, while the bear was on foot, and everyone was safe.

We closed out the day with song and friends and good cheer. New friends joined the circle with new tunes and it made for a fine evening. I think we’re exceedingly lucky to be living such a life, where our primary cares are where do we walk in the big park, a few bears and should we turn the AC down further at night. Because there is evidence all around that a harder version of life is available and some are even living it and I wonder what they make of us showing up in their midst to revel and then go our own ways home?  

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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