Ageless Spirit

Spent the day yesterday helping friends provide music, sound, and food to a gathering of women at the Hotel Giles in Comfort, Texas. Fitting name for a town hosting an event called Spirit is Ageless where a large group of women gathered, to eat, drink, converse, donate clothing, swap clothing, support one another, and listen to music. Then, at the end of that long day, they came together to sing in one voice what the world needs now is love

This large gathering reminded me of my wife and her little gatherings of Ya-Ya’s, mother’s, daughters, wives and friends, who would come together throughout the year to celebrate birthdays and holidays and who coordinated most of the social gatherings we enjoyed over the years as husbands and wives and families. Not gone, but depleted, still carrying on supporting one another since several husbands are now gone.

As I thought of them and watched this large group hold hands, and sing, and sway, I wondered why anyone would want to wrap women in cloth and hide them away or deny them rights or claim they are anything less than they are, in the name of religion or politics or whatever. What a waste and what a pettiness, and what a denial of joy and energy and enthusiasm. Granted, no one or gender is perfect, but women unfettered sure go a long way toward making life whole.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Small Words


Slim Pickin’s