Almost There

I’m halfway to healing. My hand is on the mend. It’s been a week. I took my last antibiotic this morning. The squamous cell carcinoma is gone. In another week I’ll get the stitches out. I change my wound’s dressing twice a day. Usually. I’ve missed once or twice. I’m getting better at one-handed bandage changing. The sticky elastic wrap really helps. That was a great invention, if you ask me. A lot easier on the skin than tape. I’ll be glad when this is done. I have work to do and I’m under orders to take it easy.

Lucky for me, I enjoy taking it easy. Watching my birds at the new feeder. Noodling on my guitar. Reading a book. Of course, since I’ve also learned to do things one-handed there are jobs I can do. Pushed my little mower the other day. The bandaged hand was just there for guidance. I pick up stuff and this morning, I think I’ll do laundry. That’s a job for sure.

I’ve been struck, as I’ve dealt with my hand, how many people have undergone the same procedure. On their arms, on their faces, you name it, people have gotten bits of their body cut off. This is my second go. I had one on my forehead. It’s actually a bit of a tonic to hear all the stories and see the healed wounds. I can imagine my hand in the future almost scarless and healed and that’s a comfort and we all need comfort in one form or another and this is how I’m taking mine.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


