Big Bang

The Eve’s Necklace is blooming. Tiny pink flowers that will eventually turn into long strands of black seeds resembling beads on a string. And it’s a nice sight to see at the end of the drive, especially these days when it’s grown into a slightly towering little tree that is spreading its delicate branches over the mountain laurels that live on either side of it and casting a long shadow down the drive. Another plan come to fruition.

And speaking of blooms and seeds and plans, yesterday on the way to Houston I pulled up beside a pickup with its bed full of furniture and other odds and ends. And for a brief moment, as we sat at the light, I thought, how sad to have your life condensed down to what you could fit into a pickup. Then I thought, but wait, that’s exactly how my wife and I started out. So, maybe this is a beginning. That made me think of the big bang when an entire universe came into being in an instant from apparently nothing.

Then that made me think of my married life when an entire family sprang into existence in an instant when two people said, I do, and with nothing more than love and a few meager possessions started life together. And now more than fifty years later we have our own constellations of families and friends circulating in the big bang universe with homes and houses and guitars and books and all the things that make for a good life and that just seemed pretty miraculous on its own and a nice part of the bigger plan and then the light changed, and everyone got to moving again.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


