Big Day

Good morning. Word of warning. I’m infused with gratitude today, and I feel blessed and sort of gushy. So, if I see you, you’re liable to get a big hug, a thank you, and I love you. And if you’re a stranger, I’ll smile and wish you well. And if I don’t see you then know that you have all my love for the gift of your friendship and your readership. Because they should never be taken lightly and need to be acknowledged now and again. Both are things given to me by you.

The trigger for this joy comes from the day I had yesterday. Seth and Blossom officially became part of our family. Blossom even took my daughters middle name, Marie. Wow. Everyone was smiling. The attorneys. The clerks. The bailiff. The judge. The guests. My daughter and her husband invited all of the children’s friends to the event so there was laughter and running around, and when the adoption was final and they offered a stuffed animal to anyone who wanted it, all of them did, and that’s a cool memory to take home. Then we went to Fuddruckers for burgers because it seemed like a burger and fries kind of day.

This Sunday there will be a big party and more people will come to celebrate the creation of this new family and give it their blessing. And the party is happening in a new home. So, that’s an additional blessing. And it just seems as though fortune is smiling on us right now, and like a warm spring day it needs to be appreciated and cherished to bolster us against the chill winds of winter so that when those days do come, we can smile through our tears and always remember spring is right around the corner and love has happened.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Party Time


New Family