Bird Update

All the old swallow nests are down. Seven. I spent more time on a tall ladder than my doctor would approve. But I was careful. And isn’t that what everyone says after they fall off a ladder. I was being careful. But I was and I came to realize my expandable aluminum ladder is really heavy when fully extended and I should probably look into getting a nice fiberglass ladder suitable for an old man to handle while working on his porch.

Speaking of old men. My brother and I were laughing at that just the other day as we found ourselves griping about old men driving, when we both had to admit we were now old. And I tend to always do the speed limit these days which probably makes me a curseable driver to someone younger and in a hurry. I don’t really care, though. It’s pleasant to set the cruise control at the posted limit and cruise along. It’s just one less thing to worry about because I no longer care who’s parked along the side of the road up ahead.

I actually wish I realized sooner how little being in a hurry helped with anything. I remember when it dawned on me, but I also remember how hard it was to put it into practice. But I’m glad I did because eventually it freed me from the beast that stalked my youth, anger. I’d get in a hurry, get flustered, and get angry. That was a bad, bad cycle. It still pops up from time to time, but usually I see it coming and can head it off at the pass. And it even it fails to extend my time on this earth at least that time will be pleasant.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

A Time Question


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