
Another cool, blessed morning. This time the birds were waiting for me to bring out the feeder. A little Carolina Chickadee and a Titmouse were in the trees. In other bird news the swallow broods have all fledged. There were three on the front porch and one on the back. And the Painted Buntings have been spotted on the fence and in the Mesquite close to the feeder. One day I’m sure they’ll come up and eat. Lots of flying activity around the homestead.

The doves are still trying to find a seat at the table, but they’re too big. The outside cage slides down when they land shutting off easy access to the feeding ports. They try but they’re just too big to bend down and access the food. They’ll have to be satisfied eating on the ground. Although I’ve hung the feeder over a cluster of little sumacs and there is no real bare ground. And it’s a high quality food so little gets dropped. Maybe they should eat elsewhere.

I’m glad to be back in the bird feeding business. It’s nice to walk into the front room, look out the window and see all the little creatures flying about. And I can hardly wait for this fall when the migrations take place to see who shows up for a meal. It feels a good use of my entertainment dollar and maybe word will get out, which it has a way of doing in the world of birds, about the feeder and the Mesquite with its beans. And all the little bird guidebooks will say stop at Wilsons for peanuts and sunflower chips with a tiny caveat about the cats who mostly stay in the front yard.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

On the River

