Blue Skies

Well. It’s late afternoon. My typical writing time is early morning. But here I am, just back from Houston where I visited my dermatologist. Had a suspicious black spot on my foot. She scrapped it off. It was nothing. She did find a lesion on my arm that was something. Burned it off. My body is now blemish free, at least of blemishes that concern dermatologists.

On the drive home I met the local weather front. Thunderstorm and tornado warnings lit up my phone. The storm was heading east. I was heading west. Nice metaphor for my life. Drive to clear skies. It worked. I’m going to keep doing that, driving to clear skies. It beats sitting around getting rained on all day and night. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Basically, I’m going to break new ground. Find things to do and go do them. It’s actually the story of my life. We moved. I started over. I can’t afford to move now, but I can do new things. Heck, maybe I’ll even meet new people. That’s fun, sort of. Hard at first for me, but okay once I gut up and get it done. That’s how my current group of friends started out, as strangers. And given how well that has worked out, I think a program of adding a new friend or two might be okay. Sort of like when my late wife taught me the value of onions.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



At Rest