Book News

No fireworks to speak of yesterday. Mostly I did the one thing I love to do. Read a book. Almost all day. A sort of fitting book for the Fourth, Freedom’s Forge by Arthur Herman. It’s the story of how American business mobilized to help win World War II. Great story. It was full of lots of things I didn’t know, which is why you read history books. There was the sound of a grinding axe or two, which is the noise you hear when someone wants to make a point. But I’m okay with that. There’s a lot to know about World War II, and this is part of the story.

I discovered the book because it’s on the reading list of my son-in-law who will be attending The Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy next month. He’s in the Army Reserve as a Lt. Colonel, and you need this sort of school to make general. He has to be there in person, however, which means, I’ll be in Houston a lot to help out with the kids, and that’s a nice opportunity for me. So, both of us will gain something from the experience.

Speaking of gaining something. Since I run a small publishing company (Gatewood Press) and do a daily blog (The Caregiver’s Tales) I decided to become an Amazon associate which means I’ll get a commission whenever someone buys a book I recommend or mention. My own book is self-published on Amazon so it feels like it might be okay. I suppose everyone knows I make a buck or two when they buy my book. The plan is to set up a separate blog for the books I’ve read, sort of a journey through my library. I think it will be fun and help me fund new books of my own.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The View


Happy Holiday