Buying Silence

I think the AI revolution has started and it’s more insidious than I thought. Yesterday, without warning, six large fingernail clippers showed up on the island in my kitchen. I have no idea how the hive mind communicated with them, but it did and there they were. Of course, there might be another less fun explanation. Whenever I’ve needed a clipper I get one from a place where I know I keep one–my dopp kit, my car, the bathroom, my guitar case, or a drugstore. Then at the end of the day, when I empty my pockets I put the clipper on the island. Although I did not know I possessed six of them, and I don’t know how I failed to see them gathering. That was a revelation and an interesting discovery.

Speaking of discoveries, when did Canada become our enemy? I totally missed that one. But apparently we’re in a big trade war with them and pretty ticked off. Did someone send out an email, or is this like Huxley’s 1984 where our enemy Eastasia is now our friend and our friend Eurasia is now our enemy and that’s the way it is because Big Brother said it was and we really don’t need an explanation, we just need to know who to hate. Because I’m also getting distinct vibes, that Russia is now the good guy. Does that mean we no longer have to fear communism? I’m really confused about this.

I’m also a little nervous about complaining or asking questions. I’ve heard the government wants to deport some guy for doing just that, complaining. I thought all that was protected by the First Amendment. This may be a time, however, when it pays not to think too much. Although, that may be what someone is counting on, that everyone will just shut up and avert their eyes. I wish I had more answers, but all I’ve got are questions and a bit of gratitude for my abundance of nail clippers, although if someone is trying to buy my silence, it won’t work.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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