
Took the kids to the pool yesterday. The pool was filled with bugs. They swam in the kids pool. It is amazing to watch children frolic in a pool that is less than a foot deep and about ten feet around. But they did. Goggles on and all. They floated. They went underwater. They made a whirlpool by going around in circles. We stayed nearly an hour. Children are amazing creatures.

It made me think I should be more like a child. Take a circumstance. Make the most of it. Be happy with what I have. Generally, I think I am. Although, I was definitely unhappy with nearly two months of 100 plus degree days. I made it plain. If Mother Nature does it again next year, I’m going to the mountains or something approximating a refrigerator with an open door. But that’s a circumstance over which I have some control.

I’m talking about those times when you’re dealt a hand and just have to make the best of it. Like traveling when things go south, or shopping when there’s no parking, or finding yourself in a crowd when you didn’t want a crowd. Life’s little upsets. Unexpected deviations. I want to be like those kids. Strap on the goggles and go for happiness. Easier said than done. But doable. I just have to ensure I never get so old I lose track of my inner child.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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