Had a great weekend with friends and family. Drove the roads. Listened to music. Ate crawfish. Drank a beer or two. Now, I’m at the Wile E. Coyote moment, where I’ve just passed over the edge of the cliff and find myself poised for the big drop back to earth. So, deep sigh and here I go. Whoosh! Boom! Oh, that didn’t hurt too bad. I’m back home in my own home, waiting on the next adventure.
Meanwhile, I’ll work in the garden, work around the house, and play a round of golf on Wednesday, weather permitting. It didn’t permit the last time we tried, but that’s okay. That’s how it is with golf. Although, my brother and I usually believe golf should be played regardless of the weather, which is why we have a cover we can slip over a golf cart to keep out the rain, cold, and wind. If you have to ask why we think that is fun, you are not a golfer. Although, I’m not sure many of my golfing buddies would understand. It’s probably just us.
Back to the crawfish. I do believe I may have to find some I can boil and eat. Because they are good, and doing so this weekend reminded me of a lot of good times I’ve had over the years in the presence of the little crustaceans. I have the gear. I bought it to can peaches. I can see the Google search now, Live Crawfish near me. Plus, I know people who like to cook, and I bet they’ll help. Sounds like a party. And that my friends, is how Wile E. gets back in the game.