Day Work

All the recent tiny rains, the ones the drizzle down over long hours, have done wonders for our bluebonnet crop in the back lots. The ground is wet as far down as you care to dig, and the plants love it. Little bluebonnets are everywhere. If it was crop, we’d be celebrating a potential record harvest, but it’s mainly a feast for the eyes, but that’s still worth celebrating. We can hardly wait for spring. Come over if you can and take a look.

Speaking of spring, I sprung my back over the weekend. I turned one way, it wanted to go the other and boing, there was pain. It’s a drag because the cool weather has me in a doing mood, but my back says no to doing and yes to mostly standing or sitting. Definitely no bending, picking up, or tossing things. I’d say it’s hell to get old, but this is a problem that dates back to college and that was a good while back. So, I’ve got a young man’s ailment and that’s okay because we all need rest no matter what drives us to it.

I’m left with my domestic chores, washing clothes, washing dishes. That sort of thing. Light work unless you’re doing it eight hours a day for someone else. It’s just me. I’m also working up a grocery list. Vittles are light in the house because I’m pretty sure Christmas tree shaped, plastic wrapped little cakes don’t really count as vittles. I need things a little closer to the bottom of the food pyramid and I shall gather them at the store, possibly this afternoon, if my back allows. And I suppose it will because I’ve learned to soldier on with this sort of thing and just move slow and take it easy.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

A Case for Tomorrow


Look Ma