Interesting. I started down a writing path this morning, got one paragraph in and decided it wasn’t something I wanted to talk about, probably because it’s likely I’ve talked about it before although it’s difficult to imagine a personal topic I haven’t touched on in the ten years I’ve been writing this blog. Still, I stopped and started over. This is the result. It feels marginally better.

I made good progress yesterday on my shed door in that I got an anchor point installed (a piece of rough cedar). Tightly glued and screwed. And I have a nice set of hinges. It will be interesting to see how it all comes together today. Luckily, I have long since learned that patience is the key, a fulcrum is a great way to lift something heavy, and that sometimes the best plans can fail in their execution especially when the planner is an amateur.

I’ve also learned I need more clamps and vises. They sure are handy to keep things tight while glue dries and to hold things up when you only have two hands but need three. Of course, I learned long ago while working on my beetle with a crescent wrench, a pair of pliers and a screwdriver that I needed more tools, and I’ve done a great job in the intervening years accumulating them. So, I think it will be fun expanding my clamp and vise collection as I reinvigorate my woodworking desire, which as desires go, is a probably good one to reinvigorate. 

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Project


The Door