Dreamland, Again

I slept hard and long last night. It was a night of vivid dreams. I still see the fragments of them this morning. I was busy in the night and my dreams were rich with detail. I could retell them if I chose, but there’s nothing really to recount, just odd fragments of me doing things and seeing things. I was busy. It was hectic. If I remember them come Tuesday, I might ask my doctor about them.

I have these dream episodes on occasion where I feel as though I’ve fallen into another world. And when I wake it feels as though I was never asleep. I merely close my eyes and set off to do other things, to see other things. That’s what it felt like this morning when the alarm sounded. Welcome back. Did you do everything you needed to do? What can you tell us. Maybe it’s a real world version of the movie, Inception. I liked that film. I liked my dreams. I wish I had more of them.

Maybe it all had something to do with my daughter and her two children coming to see the eclipse. The rooms are full, the couches are full, there’s an extra dog in the house. We had pizza for dinner, and admired my son’s new bug, a blue 1975 beetle similar to the 1968 beetle I had when I first went off to college and similar to the one my daughter drove in high school. Maybe all the memories flooding back shook loose the dream mechanism, made me feel safe, brought me peace. Whatever. It was a good night’s sleep, and that’s a treasure, too.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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