Dusty Again

Spent a great deal of time outside yesterday, and I believe I’m paying the coughing price this morning. The winds were up and so was the dust but I drove the ball well and we couldn’t quit our first round of golf this year for a little wind and dust. So, we plodded on and now my nose is stuffy and I’ve got a bit of a cough, plus I’m sore again, but I’ve decided that is simply the price of living past my best-used-by date, the other is attributed to the dust.

Luckily, I have remedies and I will apply them because I still need to continue my attack on those pesky sumacs, and that requires going outside. I suppose I could wear a mask and I might if I detect more dust. Yesterday’s dust took me by surprise. I hadn’t read a forecast that predicted more high winds. Although, I should have suspected it, since I believe a cold front is on the books for this weekend or maybe Monday. Losing track of time is part of the joy of retirement and old age.

I do know that come Sunday we will jump forward in time, giving back an hour so that farmers have more time to plow as if they paid any attention to a clock in the first place. But we’re going to save some daylight, and that’s okay with me, although it means my nine thirty bedtime often happens with the sun still up or close to it. I may have to get some blackout shades although when it comes to sleep I find it comes to me with ease. I just shut my eyes.

John W Wilson

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