Feeling Good

Ah, these mornings. Cool with a hint of moisture. Green grass. Sweet days. There was rain around yesterday, but none fell on me. But that’s okay as long as it fell somewhere in the neighborhood. I’ll get my turn, I’m sure. Moved a little bit more mulch yesterday. Needed to tidy up an old bed. Might put a bit more in there today. Feels good to be feeling garden good again. I wonder where that feeling went? Oh, well. It’s back and that’s all that matters.

I may break out the paint today and see what I can do in the dog run. It looks pretty sparkly after I power washed the walls a couple of weeks back. There are some spots around the doors that could use some touching up to repair damage done by old Christmas decorations. A garland that went around the door had some heavy wires in it and those wires left their mark. I need to clean them up.

I suppose I should also mow today. I had most of the summer off. It felt good. Of course, mowing means trimming and that can be a burdensome task. I have a lot of ground to cover. But that’s just the rhythm of the days when the rains come. And it’s a good rhythm and I can hold that beat and even sing a bit to it. Rain songs. Cool day songs. Living life songs. Mowing and trimming songs.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.




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