Finding a Way

When you get into a routine, sometimes it feels as though nothing is happening. When in reality everything is happening. And sometimes you feel as though the same thing is happening, when nothing is ever the same and everything that is happening is in reality all new. And that’s how it is with kids. And you think OMG here we go again, but it’s only the same in form and rarely substance.

So, it’s always a different day, and today we’re talking about how to cover your mouth when you cough. And the process of getting ready for school has started, and I guess one thing they’re learning is how to get up in the morning and get ready for school, or work, or whatever comes down the line. Useful stuff for making your way through the world. How to get dressed. How to prepare yourself. How to start a day.

And probably the most important thing is attitude and how to manage your feelings when you just don’t feel like it. And it is that indeterminate thing that sets us up for the whole day and maybe our whole life. So, I smile when I see the kids and wish them good morning in a gentle way and show them that I’m happy to see them. And it’s easier now than it was when I was younger with all manner of pressures, I was ill-prepared to handle. Although eventually I figured it out and muddled through. And now that I think about it maybe that’s the lesson, learn to muddle.

John W Wilson

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