First World

Swallows. I have a pair trying to nest on the wall over the entrance to the dog run. Which means, if they’re successful, that when someone comes to my front door, they’ll have to navigate a pile of bird dung. Not in the plan. I’ve had success this year discouraging nesting sites by washing away nesting attempts and using essential oils. But this site and this pair seem to be made in heaven. They are relentless.

But I have energy and an equal amount of desire. So, I’m getting an order of pennants today that I can hang. It will replace the old banner I used to have there. It was a picture of the Texas and Louisiana flags, about four by eight. I’m a Texas boy and my late wife was a Cajun. That banner did a good job and looked nice until it didn’t, which was last year. I thought I’d get a repeat this year, but that didn’t work out. Obviously. I think the pennants will actually look nice, and even festive, unless these birds think I’m simply decorating their front yard. We’ll see.

Of course, as life problems go this is one for the first world, which means, wow, you really don’t have any problems. And I confess, I don’t, at this point, have any problems. There’s a small basil cell skin cancer on my left ear that has to come off, my left hip hurts a little when I sleep, and I’m on meds for acid reflux and cholesterol but over all things are good. I guess I’m actually grateful to those swallows for giving me a problem to solve and giving purpose to my life, although I’m still puzzled as to why they won’t simply go nest on the back porch.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Blooms of Love


A Good Day