Food and Friends

I had a lazy day yesterday. Mostly it involved food. Hooked up with old friends from Houston. Drove to a fine Italian restaurant down by Canyon Lake. Ate a long leisurely lunch with dessert because every great meal needs to be topped off. Of course, I would have liked an aperitif but I’m on a no alcohol diet for a couple of weeks to let my acid reflux settle down. Still, the food was good, the conversation was good, and the old memories flowed.

In the evening I visited with new friends and once again we ate. And we had dessert. Then since there were kids, we played duck in a box. It was the most fun hilarious thing I’ve done in a long time and a perfect way to end an evening and end a day. One day I’ll describe the game to you. Then there were hugs and everyone went their way. Today the hosts of last night’s dinner will be heading to Houston to greet a new grandchild scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Christmas come early.

Today it’s back to work for me. Around the house. The power washer beckons. The dog run and front porch cry out for a good cleaning. I’ll oblige. All this would probably be easier if I did it on a regular basis. I guess it’s like mowing the grass. It’s always easier when you increase the frequency. That’s what I plan on doing, too. Because I’m really a fan of neat and tidy, having been well-trained by my late wife. It was a nice gift to leave me. Although, I certainly hope this isn’t just another brick in the road to hell which is mostly paved with good intentions. And it’s a possibility because the procrastination gene is strong with me. But I think my desire to honor my wife’s memory will prevail as will the order she desired. And no one needs know except me.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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