Garden News
There’s a cool breeze this morning. A Carolina Wren is looking for friends, and the day looks good. We sure need rain. All that’s promised, however, is more wind and dust, laced with fire warnings. This bodes ill for summer, which is why I’m making plans for Maine and maybe the mountains of New Mexico, anything to escape the heat, if and when it comes, which it most likely will.
My spring cleanup continues. I’ve lined the back flower bed along the old fence line with limestone, and I’m getting ready to build a little trellis for the Honeysuckle. I took down the fence that once did the job of lining the bed and supporting the plant. I had plans to replace the fence, but I liked the view with it gone, so now it's gone. I’m digging up the wayward grass that likes to grow in the old bed, then I’ll re-mulch. It’s been a while. In my defense I’ve had other things on my mind. But now I’m staying home and taking care of business.
It feels good these days, to wake up, do my writing chores, eat breakfast, then do my outside chores. I’m not putting in the days like I used to, it’s just steady work, trimming here, weeding there, watering, looking at the budding trees and plants. The persimmon and the Eve’s Necklace are leafing, the coral sage is sprouting, the bulbs are getting ready to flower, and the Mexican Buckeye is blooming. My little refuge is doing its job of providing solace and solitude, sheltering the birds, feeding the bees and butterflies, and soothing my troubled soul.