Good Day

It’s gonna be a good day. It started out that way. I got Wordle in two. It happens less than five percent of the time. I also figured out, quite by accident, how to send friends who aren’t on social media notification that I’ve published this blog. It’s actually pretty simple. It’s one of many discoveries I’ve made recently that fall into the category of how-did-I-miss-that? Things that seem so blatantly obvious in hindsight, but yet got overlooked.

I believe this phenomenon is part of my recovery from the unrelenting grip of grief and trauma that started with the onset of my wife’s dementia. Whereas once my brain was wholly focused on giving care and then grieving her death, it’s now finding it has permission to branch out and do other things. And it’s doing them, sometimes in the most serendipitous of ways. It’s pleasant. And it makes me feel good.

As for the rest of this day, I have friends coming to visit this afternoon. A small group of old, old friends and a small group of new friends. There will be wine and song and conversation. I feel a little bit like a scientist at Cern waiting to shoot photons at one another and see what particles come out. Except I’m pretty sure what I’ll see is happy people and sparks of friendship because my friends, old and new, are generally happy people who love one another and a good song, and have been known, on occasion, to dance.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Thought Piece