Hiking Log 3

Captain’s Log Stardate 220301

Our little home away from home is home. We made it safely to the rendezvous in Study Butte and are now gathered with our friends. We even made new friends. A family from Chicago joined us around the fire yesterday evening as those of us equipped with guitars played a bit around the campfire. It was a nice night under a starry sky.

The trip into camp across the many miles proceeded without incident. The tire that plagued us the day before was repaired with a new valve stem. While we waited, we took a quick trip around Ozona to look at the town up close and wonder at all the changes that have occurred over the years. There have been more than a few. Once back on the road, we stopped for gas in Fort Stockton, gathered up a few more supplies, then headed off before stopping once again in Alpine for a bite of lunch and another quick walk. It was a well-paced day.

Yesterday was my grandson’s birthday. We chatted on the phone for a bit, and it was nice to hear his voice. Later this spring there will be another trip in the offing as I go to celebrate his graduation. Our trip today, however, will be a quick jaunt into Big Bend and several walks, which was the point of the trip. The weather, as if to celebrate our arrival is moderating itself, and the day ahead promises to be fair. All our journeys should be so blessed.

John W. Wilson is the author of the Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Hiking Log 4


Hiking Log 2