Hill Country Summer

We’re having a hill country summer. There’s rain to keep things growing, and the heat is bearable. Unfortunately, the lakes and rivers are too low and too dry. But it’s still nice to be able to go outside. My morning walk today featured a heavy dew, and green grasses. It’s frankly amazing. Now if we could just get a low pressure system to sit astride us and dump a significant rain the summer would be perfect.

My personal summer got better yesterday when the CT scan to look at my aneurysm repair showed everything was good. I took the picture above while I waited for the doctor. All the stents are where they should be. Nothing is leaking. And the aneurysm is shrinking. Yeah. I drove home from Houston on a cloud and hooked up with friends in the afternoon to play and sing at a local vineyard, Texas Heritage, in Fredericksburg for a happy hour they have once a month. Mostly, we play for our friends and neighbors in various front rooms, this is an interesting change.

Once upon a time, I thought I might like to play music in public and I did right after high school, in the Navy, and then for a little bit in college. One good thing came of the attempt. I met my wife through music. Eventually, however, the guitar stayed in its case more than my hands and life went in a different direction. Now, nearly 60 years later the guitar is back in my hands, all three children play, and I wish my late wife could hear us now. But she’s gone, so it’s music as medicine and the healing is making good progress.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.




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