House Cleaning

The day dawns clear and cold which is a nice break from clear and cloudy which translates into gloomy and turns us all into recluses. This is more like it. Reports have the temperature getting above freezing today, although they’ll dip back down into the teens tonight. By Thursday our high will be 72. I wonder if all those folks who stripped the grocery store shelves feel even the tiniest bit of guilt about over-reacting. Probably not. I’ve been through too many hurricanes with them to know that. This is Texas. Everything is bigger. Including our fears.

Meanwhile, I think I’ll pack up some China (cups and plates), to get ready to move the China Cabinet after the wall gets painted next Tuesday. That feels like big doings. I have space in the pantry on the top shelves. I still think I should liquidate my horde of glasses, cups, and plates. Why keep them? It’s not as though, I’ll ever have a dinner party for 36. Surely, there is someone in the world who still desires a nice set of 1950s China, green and gold, two sets, one of each. How did those colors ever become popular? Beats me.

As for the disposal issue, I think I mainly need to work up my nerve. I have some serious horder tendencies when it comes to things. I know I always liked finding things my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents owned in their youth, and I guess I assume those that follow me feel the same. But do they? Probably not. And besides, I can always ask them if they want something before it heads out the door. And the likelihood that anything we have is worth an extraordinary sum of money is probably nil. And with that, I think I’ve given myself permission to clean house.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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