Inner Workings

Good morning. Today I’m going to write about my blog, for a behind the scenes look. It starts with me firing up my computer and opening Word, that lovely Microsoft Product that ran off competitors such as Word Perfect and Xywrite, just as it’s brother Excel did to Quattro Pro, Symphony, and Multiplan. When the writing is all done, I hit control-A then control-C to highlight and copy my words. I then go to my Firefox browser because it’s one space where Microsoft still has competitors and find the site that hosts my blog, Squarespace.

This is the back-end to I create a new entry, hit control-V to paste my words into it and do the stuff I need to do to make it appear as it does when you, the reader, finally see it. When I’m done, I publish it and software at Squarespace very kindly pushes it to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (now X). This is where something new happens. At 9 a.m., on the dot, the good folks over at Mailchimp, take note that a blog post has been published, and notify my mailing list that one is available. Software is wonderful. They call this an automation.

Anyway, this is all about that email. Most of my readers come via Facebook because that’s where I started the blog. But I have non-Facebook readers and the email is for them. So, if you think the email notification might simplify your day, then you can sign up. When you click the link in the paragraph above it takes you to the blog and a box that says subscribe. Fill it in. That’s it. I need feedback, of course, because I have the option to send out the notice once a week, rather than daily, and I’d like to know what people think. That’s it for today. I’ll see you around the internet.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Shifting Currents


Boxing Day