Is That You

Well, the pendulum of life just swung me through three days in the funky zone. My sinuses, sensing that I had a good time over Thanksgiving decided to remind me how they can get, and they did. Bad. And in the days of Covid that’s never a good thing for the medically sensitive brain, which mine is. But I endured. Got tested for Covid yesterday, negative. Got checked for flue, negative. Got a shot. Got a pill. On the mend. Wow. I need to find a way to avoid that pothole.

Anyway, in the depths of the funky zone, I thought about being alone and how nice that might feel just to retreat inside myself, shrink the perimeter. Then last night I watched a movie about a guy who climbed the worlds fourteen mountains over 8,000 meters in less than seven months. The previous record was seven years. He talked about climbing in the death zone over 8,000 meters and put it pretty simply. If you stop, you die. And although I knew I was already moving back to the light, it felt like good advice. Keep moving.

So, here I am. Still engaged. Still grateful for my friends, fans, and family. All points of light that often shine on me to help me see my way through and generally make the world a brighter place. Pretty positive vibes all the way around. Not that there isn’t plenty of sorrow still left, but isn’t that just another color on the palette of life that we use as we paint our picture? And I think we get to choose where we dip our brush. A little sorrow here. A little joy there. With love all around.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Looking Ahead


What I See