Last Night

I swear. Sometimes I think my body holds a lottery every night to decide which part is going to hurt. Last night it was the right hip, which is weird because I sleep on my left side. So, I rolled over to ease the pain, and the left hip took up the cause. Eventually, I think they both got tired, because the aching stopped, and I got back to sleep. And of course, my sinuses think they have right of first refusal, and can stuff up and turn me into a mouth breather at the slightest hint of pollen or just me sleeping wrong.

It could be worse, I guess. So, I shan’t complain. I’ll just note the discomfort and move on because I think we’ve all had friends and acquaintances who are more than happy to discuss a litany of their aches and pains at the drop of the hat, and I’m not really in the mood to fall into that category. Although, I suppose, as you age it’s only natural for your body to give out, and given that I’m now old and not moving around much, what else is there to talk about? I think that’s why one should have a group of friends in roughly the same age category, so that no one gets grossed out, and everyone can contribute to the conversation.

This cataloging of physical woes is another place where I miss my spouse. It was just part of our breakfast conversation. How’d you sleep last night? And off we’d go. When you think about it, it was probably a nice way to detect when something was wrong that needed correcting or the attention of someone other than a sympathetic spouse. One of us would describe their night, and the other would go, that doesn’t sound right. Anyway, that diagnostic tool is gone now and it’s just me and my hypochondriac brain which means relying on the kindness of strangers over at the downtown clinic.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

A Country Day


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