Little Medicine

There’s big medicine and there’s little medicine. Mostly, I’ve been writing about big medicine. Life threatening things, aneurysms, hearts. But that little medicine is still there. Last Wednesday my back spasmed when I bent over at the waist to pick up a bowl rather that stoop down. That got me a round of steroids and a muscle relaxant. Then on Friday, sensing my weakened state, I had an allergy attack. The got me wheezing, sneezing and coughing along with antihistamines and nasal lavages.

Sleep was the main thing that suffered. The steroids wanted me up and about while the muscle relaxant wanted me dozing. I guess the allergy attack simply wanted to see if I could survive. Well, I did and here I am this morning a little worse for the wear. Sleep is still spotty, but I’m dry at least, which means I can breath and not cough. As for the back, my left hip hurts and I have a massage therapist to visit this morning to help ease that.

Say what you want about age, it does give you a large bank of experience to draw upon when it comes to treating certain common illnesses. I’ve dealt with my back my entire life. I know why it goes and how to get it back. And allergies? They just come, but I have tips and tricks to shorten their course and even ways to avoid them. And it rained again yesterday, and it’s cool this morning, and this is one of the best Hill Country summers I can remember.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Thoughts on Nothing

