Little Plants

Busy day in the gardens yesterday. Mainly buying with some planting. Went looking for Morning Glories found another vine instead. The name escapes me because it didn’t have a card in the pot. I put it in the trellis I built last year. It’s a climber and a native. So, we’ll see how it goes. I picked up a Gregg’s Mist flower for the front bed beneath the big oaks, along with several lavender plants and two salvia greggi. The lavender will go in the back bed and the greggi in the new bed in front.

It looks as though the big peach tree has run its course. No blooms and peeling park. I’m sad to see it go. But I will replace it with another, and then pretty soon I’ll have more peaches. I hope. Sometimes these things don’t work out. Speaking of deadwood, it is time to trim back the remains of last year’s lantana and turks cap crop. The spindly brown sticks are a bit of an eyesore and need to go to make way for this year’s growth, which is already sprouting at the bottom.

We still need rain. Some is supposed to come today. We’ll see. Meanwhile, I watered in the new plants and will give them another drink today. I like this part of gardening, the introduction of a new plant, the tendering of love and affection, making it feel welcome and secure, hoping the place I picked for it is just right and will satisfy its needs. I feel a little sorry for the plants, however. Unlike humans, they can’t move along when they fail to find what they need. The little plants are at my mercy, but I’m only human and sometimes I fail. Odd conundrum for both of us.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


