Looking Ahead

Another birthday is in the books. It was sweet. Got calls from the kids early and friends as well. Plus, good old Facebook chipped in. More than 100 people sent me greetings. Say what you will about the social media giant, but it has made keeping in touch a simple task, and I like that. It seems a useful tool and if we treat it as such it can work for us rather than against us.

I finished the day with a trip to Ingram where I hooked up with friends to celebrate the life of another friend who passed away recently. That, too, was a sweet time. There were children of all ages, shapes and sizes and each of us took away a memory of the man who left us to cherish and hold in our hearts, and with any luck it will be a long while before his memory dims. We were on the banks of the Guadalupe River, which feels fitting given that life seems to be an ever changing river.

Now I’m back at home and gearing up for lord knows what. Life, I guess. My daughter made it safely to Virginia with the kids. I got pictures of them in their new pool. Her husband is on the road now, too, following the movers. I’m going to hear music tomorrow and later in the week it’s back to Houston where the doctors will peer inside me to see how the aneurysm repair is going. For a guy my age, I’m moving pretty well. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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